Meal with a Mustang | TOMORROW, FRI. 10/18!

The first Meal with a Mustang lunchtime event is TOMORROW – Friday, October 18, 1:07-1:42 p.m. During this time, parents and guardians are invited to bring a packed picnic lunch to join their student(s) on the front lawn of the school (365 Monrovia Ave.). Students who returned their required permission slips for this event will receive their participation wristbands tomorrow before lunchtime. More Information

The first Rogers MS Meal with a Mustang lunchtime event for the 2019-2020 school year is Friday, October 18, 2019. Parents and guardians are invited to bring a packed picnic lunch to share with their student(s) during lunchtime from 1:07-1:42 p.m. Permission slips required for students to participate.