UPDATE 9/10/20: Message directly from LBUSD regarding Distance Learning (all-virtual for all students) to Continue Through 1/28/2021
UPDATE 7/14/2020: Video from LBUSD Superintendent Dr. Jill Baker regarding 20-21 SY
Rogers Families:
Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic affecting our community and beyond, please note that it was announced 4/1/2020 that LBUSD school sites are scheduled to remain closed to students and staff through the 19-20 school year. Go here for more official details from LBUSD on these site closures.
As we are entering summer recess, Rogers PTA strongly encourages Rogers’ families to follow the LBUSD and school site resource website and social media links as posted below to ensure that everyone gets the information that they need in a timely manner to navigate through the challenges facing us at this time.
LBUSD Official Home Page (including video messages from LBUSD District Administration)
LBUSD COVID-19 dedicated web page (includes ALL archived emails/articles)
LBUSD Breakfast and Lunch Information (as of 4/16/2020, meals still available for pick-up at Rogers)
LBUSD SUMMER 2020 MEAL INFO (joint effort w City Long Beach Parks and Rec)

Rogers-Specific Home Learning Opportunity Schedule (as published in Rogers’ weekly bulletin 4-20-2020 – right-click image to open hyperlink to bulletin).
Home Learning Opportunity Info at Rogers Middle School Website
Updated Grading Information and Expectations for Students LBUSD UPDATE 4/16/2020
Document: LBUSD Expectations for Students (during Home Learning)
Rogers Middle School Phone Number During Site Closure:
(562) 317-1593
Rogers Middle School Weekly Bulletin (Week of 6/8-11, 2020, also includes link to Monday Morning Message video from 6/8).
We also encourage you to subscribe and follow LBUSD directly on Social Media:
Long Beach Unified School District on Facebook
Long Beach Unified School District on Instagram
LBUSD Nutritional Services on Instagram (for LBUSD Meal Service Updates)
Mustangs – staff, students, and families – We are going to make it through this together! Rogers PTA is going to do its best to update this post as needed with additional info and links as more information becomes available from both LBUSD and our own Rogers’ administrative staff and faculty (bookmark the Rogers official website School Loop page here). Since we will try to gather all information onto this one page as it releases, PTA encourages you to bookmark this page for easy reference also. We also are trying our best to keep Rogers PTA Facebook and Instagram updated with the latest information as it releases.
Thank you for your patience, and be well!