Happy Friday, Mustangs! PTA is here with your weekly news update. Please remember to sign up for e-mails of these posts direct to your in-box on the pop-up window or the sidebar e-mail sign-up portal!
Rogers PTA Board Officers for 2021-2022
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA meeting on Tuesday 4/27 and participated in the elections. A big congratulations to those who have been elected to serve as officers on next year’s Board, and THANK YOU for volunteering!
President | Leeanna Izuel
Vice President, Membership | Rebeca Haga
Vice President, Programs | Brenda Durnin
Recording Secretary | Ella Hall
Treasurer | Jane Thompson
Financial Secretary | Holly Torpey
Auditor | Sabine Cain
Historian | Liz Palmer
If you are interested in joining the PTA board next year, please check out our PTA Board Info page; Rogers PTA is still in need of a Vice President, Ways and Means (Fundraising). If interested, please contact the PTA at rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com for more information and details.
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/3-5/7 Teacher Appreciation Week is here! Although we cannot all be together, that doesn’t mean we can’t show A LOT of love for our teachers. Due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to do our usual week long celebration of our teachers. PTA will, however, be providing special lunches on Monday and Wednesday, and then a special treat on Friday. If you would like to show your own special appreciation for your child’s teachers, I’m sure they would love a special note, gift card, treat, or even a thank you email.
Mustangs, let’s show our teachers how much we appreciate them!!
Rogers Sweatshirts and Masks Still Available for Purchase If you didn’t get a chance, but are still interested in purchasing a Rogers hoodie ($30 each) or a Rogers mask($5 each), please email our PTA President, Brenda Durnin, at: rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
PTA Membership Drive UPDATE Online membership is always open and available at TOTEM, a new way this year to get your memberships in a contact-free, safe, convenient, and fast transaction! Please help Rogers PTA meet its 1:1 annual goal for memberships: One membership per student. To date (April 30, 2021), we are just at around 25 percent of our usual registration (250 memberships; goal is 900).
ROGERS STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND OUR SCHOOL NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Memberships are just $10 (plus $1 processing per membership) and are open to all parents, students, teachers, staff, grandparents, extended family, community members, local business owners, alums, neighbors, and anyone who wants to support Rogers! Additional donations always welcome.
Join Rogers PTA at TOTEM and/or donate to PTA now at this link:
Rogers Dining for Dollars Hiatus & Highlights | UPDATED FOR MAY While Rogers PTA has suspended its Dining for Dollars partnership fundraising program at this time, PTA would still would like to help spread the word about local business and community by featuring a business who has partnered with us in the past! Watch this space each issue of PTA news for this month’s highlighted partner. For May, we would like to feature Rubio’s (2nd Street/Belmont shore location). Thank you to Rubio’s for being such a loyal Rogers PTA partner!
Support Rogers PTA at Amazon Smile and Ralphs ALL YEAR LONG! Remember to sign up and support Rogers Middle School PTA when using Amazon Smile and your Ralphs grocery store rewards card.
How to change your Amazon Smile Charity to “Will Rogers Middle School PTA”:
1. Sign in to https://smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
2. From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity; or, from your mobile browser, select “Change your Charity” from the options at the bottom of the page.
3. Select/ type in “Will Rogers Middle School PTA” to start supporting Rogers PTA.
Rogers School Online Store The Rogers Middle School Store is now online. Take a look at the Mustangs swag being offered, including uniform-approved spirit-wear and YEARBOOKS with more items coming soon!
Rogers School Store
For all PTA News in real time, please like-follow Rogers PTA on Social Media: Facebook @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Instagram @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Members and families are also welcome to like and subscribe to updates to our website (along right-hand margin or from the popup window). Families should also read/watch all weekly school site e-newsletters and/or video messages from school (remember to check your email and texts for communications; links also posted to the Rogers School Website).
Contact Rogers PTA Anytime at: rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
Link to Rogers Middle School Event Calendar on official school website here.
(Subject to Change – Stay Updated on Rogers School Website)
Mon.-Fri. 5/3-7 Teacher Appreciation Week (THANK YOU Teachers!)
Tues. 5/18 (time TBA) PTA General Association Meeting (ZOOM)
Wed. 5/19 Minimum Day (2:18 p.m. Dismissal)
Wed. 5/19 (PM, time TBA) Middle School/Rogers OPEN HOUSE (ZOOM)
Thurs. 5/20 Minimum Day (2:18 p.m. Dismissal)
Mon. 5/31 Memorial Day (HOLIDAY/NO SCHOOL)
Wed. 6/16 LAST DAY SCHOOL; MIN. DAY (2:18 p.m. Dismissal)