Hello Mustangs! We hope everyone had a wonderful week! Happy November!
Daylight Savings Time Ends THIS SUNDAY 11/7! Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!
(Though no longer required, you may also opt-in for a direct email link by self-subscribing at this link.)
Rogers PTA Membership Drive Updates! Thank you to everyone who joined or renewed their Rogers PTA during our official Membership Drive and by the Incentive Deadline of October 31st!
This week, PTA was able to identify those students who qualified for the various membership drive incentives that were offered. We appreciate your effort and how you all really rallied for Rogers PTA during the drive!
We are happy to report that we had 547 new or renewing members during our official membership drive period, with 270 members joining or renewing via TOTEM online. The total to date is more than DOUBLE the amount of membership we had all last school year! THANK YOU for your support!
HAVE YOU JOINED? IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Please remember that memberships must be renewed each year while at Rogers. Memberships are $10/member (new or renewal). Donations to Rogers PTA are also accepted throughout the year. Thank you for your consideration in helping us to meet our goals!
(TOTEM convenience processing fee applies)
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has joined or renewed your membership so far this year. Your support falls right in line with this year’s theme of “Connecting Families and Schools”… THANK YOU! For more information about PTA membership or donating, including where your PTA funds go to support our students and staff, please go here.
PTA GENERAL ASSOCIATION MEETING TUESDAY 11/16 Save the date! Tuesday November 16th at 9:15 a.m. is Rogers PTA’s next General Association meeting via ZOOM. All are welcome to attend the meeting, but please remember one must be a member in order to vote. Meeting link to email out to all families via school communications closer to the date. Check this space and Rogers PTA social media for more details coming soon!
REFLECTIONS ART ANNOUNCEMENT! Congratulations to the three Artistic Mustangs who were chosen to move forward to participate in the upcoming Long Beach Council PTA Reflections events! Their artwork is shown below along the top row, with the bottom row showing the collection of all entries received this year. All submissions were in the Visual Arts category. Future Reflections Events TBA. GO MUSTANGS!

Artwork along top, from L to R, as follows: “Tree with a Voice”; “Polluted Wings”; and “Before/After Fishing.” The bottom table shows the collections of all entries to Reflections this year. Congratulations to all of our Artistic Mustangs!
NOW AVAILABLE! Rogers PTA Banner Sponsorship for 2022! Are you a local business or community member interested in supporting Rogers at the next level? Please consider sponsoring at the Silver or Bronze level (Gold level sold out for 2022). Banners hang for a full calendar year, from January-December 2022.
Please visit our dedicated Rogers PTA Banner Sponsorship page for all details. Rogers PTA Banner Sponsorship
Support Rogers PTA via Passive Fundraising Efforts! As we enter the season of Giving, it takes just a few minutes to support the programs that benefit your Mustang!
- Link your Amazon account to Amazon Smile. For every $1 spent, Rogers PTA receives 0.5%. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon – same products and same prices. The attached link is needed to register your Amazon account and start shopping on the AmazonSmile site: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/95-6206791
- Update your Ralphs grocery store rewards to support Rogers PTA. Ralphs grocery store rewards card
Thank you for supporting Rogers PTA every time you shop with Ralphs and Amazon!
WANTED! Rogers PTA Board and Committee Chairs Are you interested in jumping in and helping out with Rogers PTA for the 2021-2022 school year? Opportunities in the following areas are open:
VP Ways & Means (Board position)
8th Grade Committee chair (planning to begin ASAP; events start Second Semester)***
Parent Education chair (year-round programming)
Thank you to those who have stepped up to volunteer with Rogers PTA so far for the 2021-22 school year!
***REMINDER: PTA cannot offer the programming and events it does without the support of those who step up and volunteer their time and work toward these efforts! THIS INCLUDES OUR END-OF-YEAR 8TH GRADE PARTY!!!
Please email rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com if you are interested in any of the above opportunities or otherwise wish to help out (Subject: PTA Volunteer Opportunities).
Rogers PTA and Rogers School Stores BOTH ONLINE NOW! The Rogers PTA Online Store is live now for all of your PE Uniform, sweatshirt, membership, and banner sponsorship needs! Just click here to go to the store portal. Orders typically take 1-2 weeks to fulfill, and your order will be delivered to your student’s 3rd period class (or online if a virtual purchase!). Rogers PTA Online Store
The Rogers Middle School Store (where you can buy the spirit wear uniform T-shirt tops, yearbooks, and other items from the school directly) is now up and running online and restocked with spirit wear tops! To purchase, simply click on the store link to take a look at the Mustangs swag being offered, including uniform-approved spirit-wear. If you are a new buyer in the store, you may be asked to create an account to purchase. Rogers School Store
For all PTA News in real time, please like-follow Rogers PTA on Social Media:
Facebook @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Instagram @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Members and families are also welcome to subscribe to updates to our website here. Families should also read/watch all weekly school site e-newsletters and/or video messages from school (remember to check your email, texts, and Canvas for communications; links also may be posted to the Rogers School Website).
Contact Rogers PTA Anytime at: rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
Due to spamming issues on the website, commenting has been disabled, but email is ALWAYS welcome!
(Subject to Change – Stay Updated on Rogers School Website)
THIS SUNDAY 11/7 Daylight Savings Time ENDS (Clocks Back 1 HR)
Mon. 11/8-Fri. 11/12 National School Psychologist Week
Thurs. 11/11 Veterans Day | NO SCHOOL
Sat. 11/13, 9a-12n High School SOC Fair at Cabrillo HS More Info
Mon. 11/15-Fri. 11/19 Jeopardy Qualifiers (ALL GRADES/STUDENTS)
Tues. 11/16, 9:15 a.m. PTA General Association Meeting (format TBD)
Fri. 11/19 Minimum Day | 2:18 p.m. Dismissal
Mon. 11/22-Fri. 11/26 Thanksgiving Break | NO SCHOOL
Mon. 11/29, 6-8 p.m. Wilson High School Info Night for 8th Gr. Families
Link to Official Rogers Middle School Calendar now available on PTA website here.