Hello Mustangs! We hope everyone had a wonderful week! Reminder… Student Council is counting down to the last day of school with a fun ABC activities calendar for students and staff! Please go here and tune into their Instagram feed for event day details!
Also please note this is the final PTA News for the 2021-2022 school year! Only three more days, Mustangs! THANK YOU for reading every week and supporting your student by staying informed and up-to-date! And of course… a BIG CONGRATS to all of our Promoting 8th Graders – all the best as you depart Rogers for new adventures! 🙂
(Though no longer required, you may also opt-in for a direct email link by self-subscribing at this link.)
A MESSAGE FROM PTA PRESIDENT LEEANNA IZUEL Congratulations, Mustangs! Our Rogers community pulled together to overcome challenges in another uncertain year, persevering through zoom and in person meetings, supporting Rogers staff and students, funding programs and student needs, and organizing amazing student events for the first time in two years! Thanks to all our PTA volunteers, to the Rogers staff and teachers, and to the PTA Board and event chairs for their hard work, dedication, enthusiasm, motivation and creative thinking!
Good luck to all our promoting middle school families – you will always be Mustangs!
For those of you returning, stay tuned for more information about Taking Care of Business and orientation days, save Thursday, September 29th for the first PTA Association meeting of the school year (please also note – PTA meetings will be switching to the 4th Thursdays of the month, full schedule later this summer!), and help us plan for next year by filling out this quick survey at:
Have a wonderful summer and see you next school year!
-Leeanna Izuel, PTA President
8th GRADE COMMITTEE UPDATES! The end-of-year party for all Rogers 8th Graders is scheduled for THIS TUESDAY, June 14th from 6-9 p.m. at the CSULB Student Union.
PERMISSION SLIPS! Parents and students, All permission slips were due this week 6/8 to your student’s 6th period teacher! ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE SIGNED SLIP TO ATTEND ON TUESDAY!

- Head north on Bellflower Boulevard
- Take a Right on Beach Drive (@ CSULB main entrance sign)
- Drive straight on Beach Drive past Earl Warren Drive and Merriam Way
- Take Left at Brotman Drive (@ School of Nursing on right)
- Pass Brotman Hall on the right
- Take a Right at the E2 parking lot sign
- Drive straight through lot and student union will be on your right
- Rogers Student drop off spot will have signs
- There is no parking for this event so plan accordingly
- Pick up time is 9pm sharp – don’t be late
THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far! Want to know more? Please email Danielle Van Divort at deesteinberg@yahoo.com with any questions about the event (Subject: Rogers 8th Grade Event Planning; please include contact info and student name in your email!) 8th Grade Donation Link
8th Grade Promotion Wednesday 6/15 | Help Wanted! The 2022 Promotion Ceremony for our 8th Grade Class is set for Wednesday June 15th from 9-10:30 a.m. at Rogers (outdoor event). The Promotion Committee is seeking a few helpers for morning day-of from 8:15-9:30 a.m. to help manage a refreshment table for this event. Please go to the 8th Grade Promotion Sign-Up Genius to choose a task to help with.
Traditionally, our 6th and 7th Grade families have helped with 8th Grade Promotion tasks so our 8th Grade families can enjoy the event with their student, but please note that any Rogers VIPS who is available is welcome to come and help!
THIS IS JEOPARDY… THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS SATURDAY JUNE 11TH! All the best to Nate W. tomorrow Saturday June 11th as he represents Rogers Middle School and LBUSD as a contestant in the SoCal Jeopardy Tournament of Champions at Marshall Academy of the Arts! He will compete against five other LBUSD Middle/K-8 student champions & others.
Thank you Jeopardy Jim and Principal Wood for your support of the Jeopardy program via PTA. The TOC event tomorrow is FREE and open to the public from 9a-12n! Marshall Academy is located at 5870 E Wardlow Rd, Long Beach 90808. GOOD LUCK NATE!

All the best to Ms. Kevorkian (not pictured), Mr. Rugeroni, Mr. Shade, Ms. Solis, & Ms. A. Thomas as they embark on new beginnings next year!
PTA shouts one last hurrah to Principal Wood as he begins his new assignment as Principal of Robinson K8 for the 22-23 school year!

Happy Trails to all of you… we will miss you all… but remember… once a Mustang, always a Mustang! 🐴
Rogers PTA Help Wanted for the 2022-23 School Year Want to get involved and help our Rogers Mustangs next school year? The Rogers PTA needs your help, and has both big and small opportunities for you to help out as a chair, committee member, or general volunteer. Find what works for you and your family! Check out the opportunities listed at the Sign-Up Genius, and check back as more opportunities will be added from time to time. Rogers PTA 2022-23 Sign-Up Genius Link
The Rogers PTA runs on volunteer power! Thank you for all you do!
Please remember, for events that take place in person at Rogers, LBUSD requires you to have a Rogers VIPS badge. A VIPS badge from another school doesn’t transfer to Rogers. Contact Karina Vasquez at the Rogers Front Office at kvasquez@lbschools.net to start the VIPS paperwork soon and avoid the rush! Rogers PTA and LBUSD VIPS Info
REFLECTIONS ART PROGRAM FOR 2022-23 The theme for the Reflections Art Program has been released! The theme is, “Show Your Voice!” Start thinking of how you can create a piece of original artwork to this theme using the fine arts, music composition, dance, video, photography, or writing medium. More details to come later this summer. Check this space on the PTA Website for more updates as we get them!
You may also go to the CAPTA Reflections page by clicking the image or here.
Rogers PTA Passive Fundraising with Amazon Prime & Ralphs | Register Now – help raise money year-round for Rogers PTA!
For all PTA News in real time, please like-follow Rogers PTA on Social Media:
Facebook @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Instagram @RogersMiddleSchoolPTA
Members and families are also welcome to subscribe to updates to our website here. Families should also read/watch all weekly school site e-newsletters and/or video messages from school (remember to check your email, texts, and Canvas for communications; links also may be posted to the Rogers School Website).
Contact Rogers PTA Anytime at: rogersmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
Due to spamming issues on the website, commenting has been disabled, but email is ALWAYS welcome!
Thank You, and So Long! It has been my absolute privilege & pleasure to be the person representing Rogers PTA via the weekly PTA news and the posting of other website and social media content during my three years at Rogers (2019-2022). I wish you all nothing but the best as you – students, families, teachers & staff – continue making more Mustang Memories!
And for those who are ending their middle school journey along with me… safe travels as you embark on your next adventure, wherever the trail may take you! Cheers!
– Kristen P.
(Subject to Change – Stay Updated on Rogers School Website)
TODAY Fri. 6/10 Rogers Student Activities/Field Day
TODAY Fri. 6/10 8th Grade Yearbook Distribution | See 8th Grade Flier
Sat. 6/11 SoCal Jeopardy Tourn. at Marshall MS | Good Luck Nate W.!
Tues. 6/14 8th Grade Promotion Rehearsal | See 8th Grade Flier
Tues. 6/14, 6-9 p.m. 8th Grade Celebration at CSULB Student Union
Wed. 6/15, 9 a.m. 8th Grade Promotion | Outdoor Event (see 8th Gr. Flier)
Wed. 6/15 Last Day of School | Minimum Day 2:18 p.m. Dismissal
Tues. 8/23, 9a-Noon Taking Care of Business (TCB) at Rogers | 8th Grade
Wed-Thurs. 8/24-25 WEB Leader Training (Invite-Only) | 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Wed. 8/24, 9a-Noon TCB at Rogers | 7th Grade
Thurs. 8/25, 9a-Noon TCB at Rogers | 6th Grade
Thurs. 8/25, 4-6 p.m. Rogers Roundup | More Details to Come!
Mon. 8/29 (Morning) 6th Grade Orientation at Rogers | More Details to Come!
Wed. 8/31 FIRST DAY OF THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR
Thurs. 9/29, Evening SAVE THE DATE! l Back to School Night
Thurs. 9/29, Evening SAVE THE DATE! | Rogers PTA General Assn. Meeting
Link to Official Rogers Middle School Calendar now available on PTA website here.