Teacher/Staff Appreciation is coming up!
In recognition of Teacher/Staff Appreciation coming up, please share accolades and comments to your favorite Rogers teachers/staff at https://forms.gle/pkazZRfWY2jwsvxr7 . These comments will be shared with the specific individuals. Go Mustangs!
Teacher of the Year Essay Contest now under way
We are kicking off our Teacher of the Year Essay Contest on March 4th! This contest is open to students and parents! All essays are due by 3/26/15. Please place your essay in a sealed envelope addressed to the Rogers PTA and turn into the front office.
ESSAY AWARD APPLICATION QUESTIONS: Prepare an essay, briefly answering the following questions: (Be as specific as possible, offering examples.)
1. What qualities make the teacher outstanding?
2. How does the teacher provide a positive learning environment where all students can thrive?
3. What techniques does the teacher use to reach all students?
4. How does the teacher make learning fun?
5. How does the teacher exemplify being a good role model?
Follow Up: Dr. Keller Slideshow from 1/15/2019 PTA Meeting
Many thanks to Dr. Michael Keller for his presentation at our January 15 PTA meeting.
The slideshow from his presentation is here: https://tinyurl.com/rogersptaclimate
Please join us on January 15
Hope that you are enjoying this much needed rain and looking forward to a wonderful holiday season with family and friends! Thank you all so much for your support for our big fundraiser, the Mustang Drive. Because of your generous donations, we should be able to fund all of the PTA programs that we had budgeted this year. A big thank you as well to our tireless Mustang Drive committee led by Brenda Durnin. It was a mammoth task that they pulled off with aplomb.
Looking toward the new year, we have our next General PTA meeting on Tuesday, January 15 at 7pm in the Rogers Library. We will recap our Mustang Drive, give you an update on our expenditures and where we are for the year and elect a nominating committee to determine our PTA board for the next school year. This is an important meeting and we hope that you will join us!
As further incentive, we will have a terrific speaker, Mr. Mike Keller, coming to speak with us at 6:30pm. Mike is the Director of Social and Emotional Support in Laguna Beach USD. He was the previous Director of Special Education in the Los Alamitos school district and is a licensed educational psychologist, and adjunct faculty at USC. He will be speaking on the topic of The Well-Balanced Student and a Climate of Care which has five components: social and emotional learning, student-teacher relationships, student belonging, peer relationships and school/classroom climate. You will not want to miss this discussion.
Thank you again for your participation in the PTA and our fundraiser and all our best to you and yours during this holiday season!
Mustang Drive is underway!
Mustang Drive packets were sent home with students and we are off and running with our biggest fundraiser of the year! This year, our fundraising goal is $60,000 to keep programs and activities such as the WEB program, field trips, funding our Rec Aides, technology upgrades and more! Please help the PTA and ASB in their fundraising efforts by donating to our fundraiser. Remember, if everyone donates $75 or more, we can reach our goal. Be sure to log into Pledgestar, the on-line pledge fundraising site, and send out 5 emails by Monday, November 5th! In doing so, your child will be treated to a Krispy Kreme donut in their advisory class on Wednesday, November 7th.
Visit www.pledgestar.com/rogers
If you have any questions regarding our Mustang Drive, or would like to donate a prize item or volunteer, please contact Brenda Durnin at bdurnin@sentinelreg.com
The Rogers PTA appreciates your support!
Mustang Drive needs you!
Please join us at our Mustang Drive Committee Meeting this Tuesday, October 16 at 9:15am in Mr. Moran’s old classroom (above P.E. Apparatus room in Gym building). If you are unable to make the meeting, and can help out – a little or a lot – with our fundraiser, please contact our Mustang Drive chair, Brenda Durnin at burnin@sentinelreg.com.
Both the Rogers PTA and Rogers ASB rely on this one fundraiser to raise $60,000 in order to fulfill both of our annual budgets. This year’s fundraising period will kick off on Thursday, November 1 and the school-wide event will be held on Friday, November 30. The committee needs lots of hands at all levels of involvement. We hope you can join us in supporting our school.
Join the Rogers PTA!
Support Rogers PTA … Where Everybody Belongs
Join now!
Welcome back Mustangs! Looking for a great way to be informed and to advocate for your child? Join Rogers’ PTA! It’s a great way for you to stay connected with your child’s school. Joining does not obligate you to attend meetings or volunteer. If you would like to attend, though, the meetings offer an opportunity to meet other parents and staff. Many of Rogers’ teachers attend the PTA meetings. PTA sponsors guest speakers on a quarterly basis which may coincide with the general PTA meetings. This year, we will be hosting four General PTA Meetings on a quarterly basis as shown:
Tuesday, September 25 at 7:45pm – Rogers Back To School Night: Introduction the PTA & Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year
Tuesday, November 13 at 9:15am – Fundraising Discussion, the Mustang Drive and How You Can Help!
Tuesday, January 15 at 7pm – Nominating Discussion, Preparing for Next Year’s PTA
Tuesday, March 19 at 9:15am – Election Meeting and End of Year Summary
What Does the Rogers PTA Do?
PTA provides funding for classroom/school enhancements that LBUSD no longer provides. Over the past few years, we’ve purchased Chromebooks for the classrooms, overhead projectors for every classroom, new PE equipment, and this year we are funding our WEB program. Computer resources, grade level field trips, and activity days for the students are also supported through PTA. We are your resource for PE clothing and Mustang spirit wear as well. Our goal for the 2018-19 school year is to continue to support our teachers and students with programs that improve our Culture and Climate.
How to Become a Rogers PTA Member
Simply fill out your contact information on the attached envelope and include cash or check (Rogers Middle School PTA) for $5 for each student or alumni member and $10 for each other member. Have your child turn it in to their Advisory teacher. You may also join online, by visiting www.Rogersmiddleschoolpta.com. All dues and any additional monetary gifts are tax deductable. Rogers PTA Tax Code ID #95-6206791.
Great Incentives for Joining! (For all memberships received by September 30, while supplies last)
• Each PTA member will receive access to a free child ticket to the Aquarium of the Pacific, Baskin-Robbins Coupon, access to a free child ticket and/or family discounts to Legoland and access to discount tickets to the California Academy of Sciences.
• Every student who becomes a member will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card to Target.
• Every student who signs up 4 or more memberships will be entered into a raffle to win a “Front of the Line Pass” to be used at lunch and Activity Days (good for the entire year!).
• The Advisory Class with the highest percentage of memberships will receive a pizza party.
• AND … every 8th grade student who joins PTA will be entered into a raffle to win 6 reserved seats for Promotion!
PTA has several business partners who offer members discounts and benefits, including Enterprise Car Rentals, Yoobi, School Apptitude, Boxed, Comcast, Signup.com, Via and Google Express. Go to www.CAPTA.org and www.PTA.org for more information.
How are the dues allocated?
Nearly fifty percent of your membership dues go directly into the Rogers PTA Budget toward this school year. The remainder goes to support the Long Beach Council PTA, the 33rd District PTA, and our state and national PTAs, for their work on behalf of all students and schools.
You can also make a gift donation of which 100% remains entirely with the Rogers PTA and goes directly to supporting the school.
Look for our weekly email blast to come to you through school loop. You may also visit www.RogersMiddleSchoolPTA.com for officer contact information, our event calendar, and opportunities to participate or donate.
Please join the Rogers PTA today!
Thank you,
Rebeca Haga
Rogers PTA Membership Chair
Helping Our Children Deal with Stress and Anxiety – from Shaila Saint discussions on April 24
Teen Mindset information from Shaila Saint discussion on March 19