TCB Days are here!

Taking Care of Business Days are here next week, starting Tuesday August 20th (8th Graders), Wednesday 21 August (7th graders), and Thursday 22 August (6th graders), and we need help to sell Logowear (gym clothes and sweatshirts) to students. If you have a bit of time – maybe during the time your student will be at school – give us 90 minutes to help out. We need volunteers for:

  • Tuesday 20 August (8th Grade)
    • 8:45a – 10:00
    • 10:00a – 12:30p
  • Wednesday 21 August (7th Grade)
    • 8:45a – 10:00
    • 10:00a – 12:30
  • Thursday 20 August (6th Grade)
    • 11:00a – 12:30p
    • 12:30p – 2:00p

Sign up below at our sign up genius portal:

Sign Up!

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